ジュニアBⅡ 予選結果
4003 | 4005 | 4006 | 4007 | 4012 |
4016 | 4021 | 4024 | 4025 | 4026 |
4027 | 4030 | 4031 | 4032 | 4034 |
4035 | 4036 | 4037 | 4039 | 4040 |
4042 | 4045 | 4046 | 4049 | 4052 |
4053 | 4056 | 4057 | 4061 | 4063 |
4064 | 4067 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
4041 | 4047 | 4055 | 4058 |
Above quasi-winners can not paticipate in the final.
Please receive your evaluation forms and honorable certificate at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.
ジュニアBⅠ 予選結果
予選通過者 グループ1
3003 | 3005 | 3006 | 3007 | 3009 |
3011 | 3014 | 3016 | 3019 | 3020 |
3021 | 3022 | 3023 | 3024 | 3026 |
3027 | 3029 | 3031 | 3032 | 3033 |
3034 | 3035 | 3039 | 3040 | 3041 |
3042 | 3043 | 3045 | 3047 | 3048 |
3049 | 3050 | 3054 | 3056 | 3057 |
3058 | 3060 | 3061 | 3063 | 3064 |
3065 | 3068 | 3075 | 3076 | 3078 |
3086 | 3087 | 3092 | 3093 | 3102 |
3105 | 3106 | 3107 | 3108 | 3109 |
3110 | 3112 | 3117 |
予選通過者 グループ2
3120 | 3122 | 3123 | 3124 | 3125 |
3127 | 3128 | 3129 | 3130 | 3132 |
3139 | 3140 | 3141 | 3147 | 3149 |
3153 | 3154 | 3157 | 3158 | 3160 |
3162 | 3163 | 3164 | 3167 | 3169 |
3173 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
グループ1: 9:15~10:00
グループ2: 11:50~12:40
Group1: Submit CD at 9:15~10:00
Group2: Submit CD at 11:50~12:40
3036 | 3080 | 3085 | 3165 | 3174 |
Above quasi-winners can not paticipate in the final.
Please receive your evaluation forms and honorable certificate at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.
ボーイズB 予選結果
7001 | 7002 | 7003 | 7004 | 7005 |
7009 | 7010 | 7011 | 7013 | 7014 |
7017 | 7018 | 7019 | 7021 | 7022 |
7023 | 7026 | 7027 | 7029 | 7031 |
7032 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
ボーイズA 予選結果
8001 | 8003 | 8004 | 8006 | 8007 |
8008 | 8011 | 8012 | 8015 | 8016 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
シニア女性・男性 予選結果
6002 | 6003 | 6004 | 6008 | 6013 |
6015 | 6016 | 6018 | 6019 | 9001 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.
ジュニアA 予選結果
5003 | 5008 | 5011 | 5013 | 5014 |
5017 | 5018 | 5021 | 5022 | 5023 |
5026 | 5027 | 5028 | 5034 | 5038 |
5044 | 5047 | 5048 | 5051 | 5053 |
5054 | 5055 | 5056 | 5057 | 5058 |
5060 | 5062 | 5063 | 5064 | 5066 |
5069 | 5071 | 5072 | 5076 | 5077 |
5078 | 5082 | 5084 | 5088 | 5089 |
5090 | 5091 | 5092 | 5093 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
5001 | 5020 | 5074 | 5079 |
Above quasi-winners can not paticipate in the final.
Please receive your evaluation forms and honorable certificate at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.
コンテンポラリーB 審査結果
B025 | B027 | B033 | B037 | B039 |
B046 |
The ranking will be announced at the awards ceremony.
B008 | B013 | B015 | B029 |
Above 4th winners, please receive your honorable certificate and evaluation forms at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to win, please receive your evaluation forms at the reception.
コンテンポラリーA 審査結果
A004 | A006 | A009 | A016 | A018 |
A028 |
The ranking will be announced at the awards ceremony.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to win, please receive your evaluation forms at the reception.
児童-Ⅰ 予選結果
1001 | 1003 | 1008 | 1010 | 1012 |
1013 | 1014 | 1015 | 1017 | 1019 |
1022 | 1023 | 1024 | 1026 | 1028 |
1029 | 1030 | 1033 | 1035 | 1036 |
1037 | 1039 | 1041 | 1042 | 1043 |
1044 | 1047 | 1056 | 1057 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
1002 | 1004 | 1007 | 1032 | 1034 |
1052 | 1054 |
Above quasi-winners can not paticipate in the final.
Please receive your evaluation forms and honorable certificate at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.
児童-Ⅱ 予選結果
2007 | 2008 | 2011 | 2013 | 2016 |
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
2034 | 2035 | 2036 | 2037 | 2038 |
2039 | 2041 | 2042 | 2044 | 2046 |
2048 | 2049 | 2053 | 2057 | 2060 |
2061 | 2062 | 2063 | 2070 | 2072 |
2073 | 2074 | 2075 | 2076 | 2077 |
2081 | 2082 | 2084 | 2085 | 2086 |
2087 | 2089 | 2090 | 2093 | 2094 |
2095 | 2097 | 2098 | 2102 | 2103 |
2105 | 2107 | 2110 | 2111 | 2112 |
2114 | 2115 | 2116 | 2117 | 2118 |
2119 | 2121 | 2125 | 2126 | 2127 |
2134 | 2136 | 2138 |
Above winners, please be the final of the procedure at the reception.
Please receive your honorable certificate.
Please complete the finalist procedure before participating in the finalist class.
2004 | 2006 | 2051 | 2088 | 2108 |
2129 |
Above quasi-winners can not paticipate in the final.
Please receive your evaluation forms at the reception.
Unfotunatry everyone who was unable to go through qualifying, please receive evaluation forms at the reception.